Versatile Musician & Educator

Angela Flores

Impressive Career in the World of Music and Beyond

Discovering the Magic of Music:

Angela Flores' Journey

 highly experienced and accomplished professional violinist with over 37 years of experience as a violinist & 15 years in orchestras, as well as a music teacher with over a Decade of experience. 

Her impressive career includes being a concertmaster and first violinist in various high-level professional musical groups, as well as performing as a soloist in important national and international events

"From a Young Prodigy to a Master Violinist

¨As a young child, music always fascinated me. My parents noticed my inclination towards music, and they bought me a violin when I was seven years old. From the moment I held the instrument, I knew it was going to be my lifelong companion.

Over the years, I have spent countless hours practicing and perfecting my craft. I have played in numerous orchestras, and my violin has taken me around the world. Through it all, my passion for the instrument has only grown stronger.


Sharing the Beauty of Violin Music

Playing the violin has given me a sense of purpose and fulfillment that I cannot imagine finding anywhere else. It has also taught me valuable life lessons such as patience, discipline, and perseverance. The sound of the violin is like no other, and it has the power to move people in ways that words cannot.

As I reflect on my 37 years of playing the violin, I feel a deep sense of gratitude. The instrument has brought so much joy and meaning to my life, and I hope to continue playing for many years to come.

"when you pour your heart and soul into the instrument, the result is a beautiful and moving performance that can touch the hearts of others. For me, there is no greater joy than sharing the gift of music with others Through the violin, I am able to express emotions that words cannot convey."

Angela Flores

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